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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

External Scholarship & Grant Resources

Thousands upon thousands of scholarships are available to students every year, from full rides to hundred-dollar awards to cover a book or two. We’ve compiled below some trusted search databases for non-state sources for scholarships. Remember: every scholarship is a little less money out of your or your family’s pockets.

Please Note: You should never have to pay to search for scholarships.

External Scholarship Links

Career One Stop

A scholarship database ran by the US Department of Labor that has over 8,000 scholarships.

Click here to begin searching.

Sallie Mae

A consumer bank that provides private student loans but also a number of online college planning tools, including a scholarship search database.

Click here to search their scholarship listings.

ABC Quality South Carolina Working Families Child Care Scholarships

ABC Quality is sponsored by the Division of Early Care and Education at the South Carolina Department of Social Services and makes child care more affordable for families so parents can work, attend school or training. 

Click here for more information.

Going Merry

A company founded by Carnegie Mellon and Stanford graduates to make students’ scholarship searches easier.

Click here to begin searching.

Scholarships, fellowships and grants search engine

Click here to begin searching.


Greenwood Promise

Covers last-dollar tuition and mandatory fees for eligible students, as well as FAFSA and college application assistance. (Available to students from Greenwood County Districts 50/51/52 only.)

Click here for more information.


A company that offers students simplified college scholarship search by matching students’ qualifications and interests with listed rewards.

Click here to begin searching.



Drug Rehab US Mental Health Scholarship

Open to students enrolled in any mental health degree program, including psychology, counseling, social work, psychiatric nursing, and related fields.
Applicants must be committed to making a difference in the mental health field and demonstrate a passion for improving the lives of others.

Visit the Scholarship Page